Beauty Hair

#TheOrganicsLife for your hair care needs

August 29, 2018
The Organics Life
On the last week of July 2018, I was pleased to have received a package from Beauty Bulletin courtesy of Organics that consisted of a:

  • Shampoo and conditioner for straight and sleek hair
  • Family pack of comprising of:
    • Shampoo and conditioner for dry and damaged hair
    • 2-in-1 anti dandruff shampoo
    • Kids 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner
  • USB flash drive
The Organics Life

#TheOrganicsLife Family Pack

Don’t forget to poo… pre-poo that is

As a natural 4D hair textured girl, with such low porosity hair that sometimes won’t even let Jesus in,  I struggle to retain moisture. Because of this, I cannot just jump into my wash routine with a shampoo- I have to start with a pre-poo.
The term pre-poo is used to describe a treatment used on your hair before you shampoo. This hair treatment is done prior to you going in straight with a shampoo as a measure to protect your hair from getting too stripped of its moisture and natural oils. My favourite prep mixture is whipped coconut oil with a squirt (or five) of alma oil and argan oil.

After having pre-pooed my hair overnight in twists, I washed my hair in the shower while in twists with the Organics’ shampoo for dry and damaged hair. After rinsing out the shampoo, I proceeded to condition with the Organics’ conditioner for dry and damaged hair. After enjoying my shower, I finished off with rinsing the conditioner out with as cold water as I could possibly handle.

Cleansing your scalp is easier when your hair is in twists.

Organics’ shampoo for dry and damaged hair

The shampoo is alright, really it is. It is a mild cleanser that will clean your skull and hair. Just be sure to wash all of it out of your hair and on your scalp, as it includes sodium chloride ( #4 of 5 on the ingredients list). If left on your hair and head, it will slurp every last drop of water from you once dry and may even irritate your skin. So please wash it all out coz ain’t nobody got time for salty hair.

Organics’ conditioner for dry and damaged hair

This conditioner truly has great slip- I usually use it to detangle in fact. When used to condition, I like to leave it in for the duration of the shower to let the heat from the steam open up my hair cuticles and let the moisture in. After that, I seal my hair cuticles with a cold water rinse- this retains all the moisture I have acquired from the conditioner.

The Organics’ conditioner for dry and damaged hair left my hair soft, light and smelling too fresh. Ladies and gentleman- you will never go wrong with this one.

Things you need: Organics’ conditioner for dry and damaged hair

Kids 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner

Right off the bat, the pungent coconut smell will tantalize your nostrils. The Organics Kids 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner is light on the kids’ skin while cleansing and moisturising it.

The Organics Kids 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner is gentle on the kids and smells like a dream.

Having been part of the Organics family, I was and am not a stranger to this which is my #1 supermarket hair brand because of the quality and the sheer volume I can buy it in. Organics hair products are reasonably priced and have a shampoo and conditioner for every member of the family, with their products being loved by most manes.
I definitely recommend you get this one- it will pleasantly surprise you.

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