Look, I don’t know where you are but ke Dezember mona. And if you are a mother – such as myself – coming up with ideas to entertain the kiddies becomes a weekly activity on its own. Enter Ster-Kinkor Greenstone to the rescue. After an extensive refreshing revamp of their foyer and auditoriums, the cinema complex now also boasts a Kids’ Cinema!
Deliberately designed with children in mind, the new Kids’ Cinema at Star-Kinekor Greenstone has appropriately sized comfy seats in bold and bright colours. It also has:
- A dedicated kiddies waiting area
- A dedicated snack bar
- A gaming area
- An indoor slide

Launched on the 12th of October 2019, with a special pre-screening of Marnie’s World (to be released on the 1st on November), expect to also experience Swift, Frozen 2 and Spies in Disguise that will be coming soon to the Kids’ Cinema. In the interim, go on and have fun with the kiddies with Angry Birds Movie 2 and Abominable both currently on the circuit.
So, it’s lights, camera and action: Ster-Kinekor Greenstone is now open, and the movies are rolling. Mom and dad can relax while the kids enjoy themselves in the entirety of the Kids’Cinema.
To see the full line-up now showing or to book tickets, visit www.sterkinekor.com, download the SK App on your smartphone, or head for the box office. For all queries, call Ticketline on 0861-Movies (668 437).
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